PHP - Attach image to mail() function?


Sorry im a newbie to PHP…

My script below takes user input from my html form and emails the results to me…

On my form i have an upload form field, and wish for the end user to be able to upload an image which i want either attached to, or preferabally to be part of the body on the email message!

(As you can se i have managed to get the PHP file to take the uploaded image and place it in a directory…my problem is…how to send the mail with that picture attached or part of the email body?)

  $file_dir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/terry/uploads/';
  $name = $_REQUEST['name'] ;
  $phone = $_REQUEST['telephone'] ;
  foreach($_FILES as $file_name => $file_array) {
 if (is_uploaded_file($file_array["tmp_name"])) {
  move_uploaded_file($file_array["tmp_name"], "$file_dir/".$file_array["name"]) or die ("Couldn't copy");
  $string = "T-Shirt order form....

  $string .= "Name:                        ".$name."
  $string .= "Telephone Number:            ".$phone."
  $string .= "T-Shirt Design"."

 mail("", "Website - T-Shirt Order", $string, "From:", ""); 
 header( "Location:" );

Add the image URL into the message itself?

  $string = "T-Shirt order form....

  $string .= "Name:                        ".$name."
  $string .= "Telephone Number:            ".$phone."
  $string .= "T-Shirt Design"."

  $string. = "<img src=\"imageURL\" >";

Thank you ahmednuamen i will try that!

Project 107…

The image is going to be one that will be uploaded by the end user so i will not know the name of the image to be displayed…hence why im asking here how to extract the most recently submittted image other than simply displaying a static image on the server if you see what i mean.

Thank you anyhow.
