PHP copy external xml rss to local folder HELP!

I’m in need of help! I’m using flash to display some of my blog content, but the problem that I’ve run into is that my rss feed (xml file) will not pull up unless it’s hosted in the same local folder as the flash file.

Currently it’s all set up to view my local .xml file, but the local .xml file doesn’t get updated unless it’s manually done. So if I could have a php script copy the external to the local…

I figured the way around it would be to have a php script that copies the external .xml file (blog.xml) and puts it in the same location as the script and my flash .swf file. I tried a simple copy script but it doesn’t seem to work (below is my code). So here’s my shout out for HELP! Anyone got any ideas?

$file = ‘’;
$newfile = ‘blog.xml’;

if (!copy($file, $newfile)) {
echo "failed to copy $file…