Basically - Im trying to create a flash prog which reads from an XML file and displays various band information - graphic, website, info e.t.c and dispalys it in flash
I have read thorugh your fine xml tutorials and have managed to get it going fine. I can read and maniulate the data perfectly. The bands display as a long list which the user can click on.
The problem i have is i want to incorporate a ‘clickthrough’ figure to the display which will show how many times this band has been viewed. Every time the user click on the list - it brings up the data and adds one to the amount of times it has been viewed.
Here is my xml file (banddata.xml)
<?xml version=“1.0”?>
<myItem band=“Band1” url=“url1” views=“0” graphic=“graphic1” music=“music1”/>
<myItem band=“Band2” url=“url2” views=“0” graphic=“graphic2” music=“music2”/>
<myItem band=“Band3” url=“url3” views=“0” graphic=“graphic3” music=“music3”/>
So i need to have a php script which is called from a button/menu in flash which when run goes into my xml file - seeks out the correct band and increments the views by one.
Ive found the code for the guestbook and tried to manipulate that but with no success.
Any help you could give would save me a lot of gnashing of teeth and would be most welcom.