hi there. ive been set an assignment which is confusing me quite a bit. i figured out i need to use php forms to send data to an xml file(s), but the rest is just a little iffy.
what i have to do is:
[COLOR=Red]Developing an Open Source shopping list application using PHP[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red]Your application should have the following functionality:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red]The ability to:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red][FONT=Symbol]· [/FONT]Create, save, edit and delete shopping lists.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red][FONT=Symbol]· [/FONT]Add, delete, edit items on lists[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red][FONT=Symbol]· [/FONT]Create, edit and delete categories for the lists.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red]Where a list may have a number of categories and categories may have a number of items. Think of the categories as aisles or areas of the supermarket.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red]It is important that a user can edit the order of categories and of items within categories. This allows a list to be formatted to suit different shops.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black]so what i cant figure out is how do i incorporate categories. i was thinking a user could add a new category, by using a form, which would then create a new xml file, then they could add data to that file, along with anyone else. so each xml category file could have different lists in. ive then got the problem of the ordering and stuff.[/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black]just dont know the best approach to take. any ideas ?
edit: just realised, by categories, cant i do it so that each user can create an XML file, which is just a big list, but then they can add categories inside that, just to organise it a little better