[php] getTimeDifference

Just a quick and dirty little function to calculate the difference in time between two times.
Returns the number of years, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds between the two.

function getTimeDifference($time1, $time2) {
	$dif = max($time1, $time2) - min($time1, $time2);
	return array(
		"years"  => floor($dif/31536000),
		"weeks"  => floor(($dif%31536000)/604800),
		"days"   => floor((($dif%31536000)%604800)/86400),
		"hours"  => floor(($dif%86400)/3600),
		"minutes"=> floor(($dif%3600)/60),
		"seconds"=> $dif%60,
		"earlier" => min($time1, $time2),
		"later"   => max($time1, $time2)

Here’s a little function to format the output:

function formatTimeDifference($dif) {
	$ret = "";
	$order = array("Years", "Weeks", "Days", "Hours", "Minutes", "Seconds");
	foreach($order as $part) {
		$v = $dif[strtolower($part)];
		if ($v != 0) {
			$ret .= strlen($ret) > 0 ? " " : "";
			$ret .= $v." ";
			$ret .= $v==1 ? substr($part, 0, -1) : $part;
	return $ret;

And here’s how you might put it into action:

echo "<pre>";

// First - the times
$time1 = strtotime("00:00 400 days ago");
$time2 = strtotime("today");

// Usage (doesn't matter which time is the earlier and which is the later)
$diff = getTimeDifference($time1 ,$time2);

// Output
echo "Difference between
  &middot; ".date('l dS \of F Y h:i:s A', $diff['earlier'])." and
  &middot; ".date('l dS \of F Y h:i:s A', $diff['later'])."

echo "

echo "</pre>";

Hope someone can find some use from it
Edit: bug fixed