Php Help?

Hey all,

i’m having a problem with getting word wrap to work when i create a pdf dynamically from php…the text i wish to wrap is in a table. The table and cells doesn’t word wrap…so i was thinking maybe i could get a function and add it to the string? I have a string in my table cells. which has been seperated with 20 words each word is individual.

anyways here is the word wrap function that works with the pdf script:


class PDF extends FPDF
function WordWrap(&$text, $maxwidth)
    $text = trim($text);
    if ($text==='')
        return 0;
    $space = $this->GetStringWidth(' ');
    $lines = explode("
", $text);
    $text = '';
    $count = 0;

    foreach ($lines as $line)
        $words = preg_split('/ +/', $line);
        $width = 0;

        foreach ($words as $word)
            $wordwidth = $this->GetStringWidth($word);
            if ($wordwidth > $maxwidth)
                // Word is too long, we cut it
                for($i=0; $i<strlen($word); $i++)
                    $wordwidth = $this->GetStringWidth(substr($word, $i, 1));
                    if($width + $wordwidth <= $maxwidth)
                        $width += $wordwidth;
                        $text .= substr($word, $i, 1);
                        $width = $wordwidth;
                        $text = rtrim($text)."
".substr($word, $i, 1);
            elseif($width + $wordwidth <= $maxwidth)
                $width += $wordwidth + $space;
                $text .= $word.' ';
                $width = $wordwidth + $space;
                $text = rtrim($text)."
".$word.' ';
        $text = rtrim($text)."
    $text = rtrim($text);
    return $count;

$pdf=new PDF();
$text=str_repeat('this is a word wrap test ',20);
$pdf->Write(5,"This paragraph has $nb lines:


and here is my script so far:


if (!isset($words) || strlen($words)==0){
//$demotext='demo text';

$txt = explode( ',', $_COOKIE['cookie1'] );
$txt = implode( ',', $txt );

$string = $txt;
$chunks = spliti (",", $string, 20);

//$data = explode( ',', $data );
//$txt = array($txt);

//$words = unserialize( $_COOKIE['cookie1'] );
//print $_COOKIE['cookie1'];

//print $txt;


$html='<table border="0">
<td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[0].'</td><td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[1].'</td><td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[2].'</td><td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[3].'</td>
<td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[4].'</td><td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[5].'</td><td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[6].'</td><td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[7].'</td>
<td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[8].'</td><td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[9].'</td><td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[10].'</td><td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[11].'</td>
<td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[12].'</td><td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[13].'</td><td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[14].'</td><td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[15].'</td>
<td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[16].'</td><td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[17].'</td><td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[18].'</td><td width="190" height="125" align="center">'.$chunks[19].'</td>

$pdf=new PDF();

I get the words from my cookie as you can see above.

So my problem is that i need each word to wrap ideally once it exceeds the cell…but if not i can set a default width for each string which is smaller than the cell so it will wrap before the end of the cell.

How can i implement these two things either into my scirpt i have so far or into the string???

Thanks in advance :beer: