[color=Blue][color=Black]hello everybody, im having trouble with my high score board for my online flash game. $playername, $high, and $com are the variables passed from flash to the code. the code asks if the $playername exists, update it or else enter it into the database. however (see the red part of the code) the part of the code that asks if the player’s high score is less than the player’s score on the high score board does not work. it seems to update the score no matter what. what am i doing wrong? it seems like a simple problem.[/color]
$linkID = @mysql_connect(“”, “nnnaame”,“passss”);
mysql_select_db(“dbbbbb”, $linkID);
[color=Lime]$playername=“name from flash movie”;
$com=“i got a high score!”;[/color]
$resultID3 = mysql_query(“SELECT name FROM dktest WHERE name = ‘$playername’”, $linkID);
$resultID4 = mysql_fetch_array($resultID3);
if ($resultID4[name])
$resultID2 = mysql_query(“SELECT score FROM dktest WHERE name = ‘$playername’”, $linkID);
[color=Red]if ($resultID2>$high)
$resultID = mysql_query(“UPDATE dktest SET score = ‘$high’, com = ‘$talktalk’ WHERE name = ‘$playername’”, $linkID);
$resultID5 = mysql_query(“INSERT INTO dktest (name, score, com) VAlUES(’$playername’, ‘$high’, ‘$talktalk’)”, $linkID);