Php mail question? I NEED HELP

I already started this topic in a myspace web and graphic forum,
please click the link below to visit the forum…

and do a search for my topic ( php mail question )

the problem, it’s kind of complicated…

I can respond to this forum or that one, post on either… Thanks

btw, this forum won’t let me copy and paste… that’s why I chose to just put up a link to the other forum.

nice promotion of your myspace, almost worked

It’s not my group! I don’t care about myspace

What I want is help for a script which I found on

well, you already received the anser from another user, i just send it separately like this:

$to = ""; 
$subject = $_POST['subject']; 
$name_field = $_POST['name']; 
$email_field = $_POST['email']; 
$message = $_POST['message']; 
if ($email_field == ""){
   $email_field = "No address given.";
$headers = 'From:'.$email_field . "
" .'Reply-To: '.$email_field . "
" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
$body = "From: $name_field
 E-Mail: $email_field
mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers); 

Fine, I’ll sit here and retype it for you lazzy *****…

I just made a form using html and javascript, and I got this php script to work with it but I’m still trying to work out a few bugs. The below script is fine, except that when the mail goes to the two people, it shows up in their inbox as "" instead of “From: $sender_email” like it did when I first installed the script. Did I change or delete something by mistake? How do I get it to say “$sender_email” instead of "" ???

I know I still need to figure out a spam protection for this script, I’ll figure this out later. At the moment, the form does have a fields check script on it to make sure all questions are answered.

Below is the script I’m having trouble with…


$to = “$recipient_email”;
$from = “$sender_email”;
$subject = “$subject”;
$body = "$sender_name did this check list for you
and would like you to do one for them. Afterreviewing their answers,
click the link at the bottom of this e-mail



mail($sender_email, $subject, $subject, $body,“
You Sent A Copy To: “.$recipient_name.”<”.$recipient_email.">");
mail($recipient_email, $subject, $subject, $body.“
From: “.$sender_name.”<”.$sender_email.">");

None of that stuff worked…

I don’t think any one understands…

Not the SUBJECT area of an e-mail inbox!!!

That’s not what I’m trying to do.

I want to change the SENDER area of an e-mail inbox!!!

So I control what goes in the SENDER area, not the SUBJECT area!!!