February 12, 2004, 1:46am
Using the code below, how do i make the words “Person(s) Name:” and “Contacts Email:” bold in a email since i cannot use html?
print "Thank You, <b>$_POST[name]</b>, Your email message has been sent!<br><br>
print "Your message was:<br><br>
print “$_POST[message] <br><br>”;
// NIBO mail string
$msg = "Person(s) Name: $_POST[name]
$msg .= "Contact’s Email Address: $_POST[email]
$msg .= "Question/Message:
// NIBO mail setup
$recipient = "brich@nibodesigns.com ”;
$subject = “Someone has a question about your home!”;
$mailheaders = "From: RyderCupHomes2004.com <contact@rydercuphomes2004.com >
$mailheaders .= “Reply-To: $_POST[email]”;
// Send the **** mail
mail($recipient, $subject, $msg, $mailheaders);
February 12, 2004, 3:35am
ummm… thanks but thats not what i asked.
ok the results of that code in the mail look like:
Person(s) Name: [name]
Now what i want is the title (Person(s) Name): to be bold!!! I dont want the actual message to be bold just the label of the name(Person(s) Name) !
please advise.
February 12, 2004, 2:37pm
tried that already… it just puts <b> tags in the mail as is… any other suggestions???
February 12, 2004, 4:27pm
It will only be bold if the person recieving the e-mail has rich text email format turned on. Chances are they don’t. Many people do not allow rich-text e-mails and the formatting that you apply won’t come thru with the desired effect. The best way to do it is to not try to format e-mails with HTML.
No way to do it without using HTML.