Php mail() to 1000..better way?

i am writing a script that will email project specifications to nearly 1000 email addresses in the DB.

i could use PHP’s mail() function and place a sleep function in there for every 50 emails or something so that the server doesnt time out…

but is there a better way of doing this?
anyone have any ideas or sample scripts?

thanks a million!
ps - URGENT!!! :slight_smile:

If you’re scripts have the ability to run exec() on a linux server then you could pass the emails to sendmail directly.

Also, check out ‘phpmailer’, it’s supposed to be pretty good for mass email.

thanks for the reply…two things:

  1. scripts cant run exec()
  2. ive heard about phpmailer, but id rather write my own function that will do this (don’t want to waste a bunch of time understanding someone elses code).

any other ideas of emailing roughly 1000 users with a simple email (no attachments or anything…just simple text)


skyo sucks monkey balls!