PHP mailing list form (new)


Maybe i wasnt as clear as i wanted to be. However, i think i understand exactly what i want now. I still cant do it yet though.

What im trying to do is take an input box from flash. The person viewing the site would put their e-mail address in the input text box. They would press an enter button next to it. Now, using PHP, how to i just get THEIR e-mail address to email MY email address. I dont want a message or anything of that nature. All i want (at the most) is their e-mail address, and maybe their name.

So far with everything ive found on here, all it is doing is e-mailing the address put into the EMAIL box. How can i get it to send their information as variables to PHP and then have PHP send an e-mail from their information to my e-mail address?

Sorry to bother again with this question, but like i said, i dont know anything about PHP so this is new to me.

Thanx, for any help in advance.

I don’t think you can. The line “From:” depends on your server. If it uses Apache for example the line From will always be Apache. At least for me. Maybe this is possible, I don’t know.

nevermind… i figured it out… i was putting something in the wrong spot… i got it now though… thanx

Can you tell me ? I’m interested in knowing :slight_smile:

Wow this is VERY interesiting! I barely know anything on Flash and all I want to know is how to change my Animated Gif to a Preloader! :frowning:

Basicly i took some scripting from another post and a tute that somebody else did, and altered it.

The original code was here:

Its in Tute 2 (variables from flash to PHP to send mail)

The original code is written out so that if you were to put your e-mail address in the EMAIL box, it would send the e-mail to you. So basicly it was sending the email to whatever email address was put into the email text box. It wasnt directing the email address, name, message ect to a different email address.

So i did some guessing and read a few more things around here and else where and came up with this.


// Recieving Variables…

$Name = $_POST[‘name’];
$Email = $_POST [‘email’];
$Message = $_POST[‘message’];
$Subject = “Test E-mail Tutorial”;
$Header = “From: $Name <$Email>”;
$toEmail = "";

//Performing Mail script…
$new = mail($Email, $Subject, $Message, Header, $toEmail);


Basicly i added $toEmail as another string, and specified within that field where to send the information. This would be where you would put the address that is to recieve the e-mails sent out.

At the time i was using a yahoogroups as a mailing list, but then realized after i got this whole thing to work, that they make you do a lot of running around afterwards to just sign up. Replying to comfirmation e-mails and signing up for yahoo, blah blah blah. So now… if anybody has any good suggestions for good mailing list clients i could use. It would be much appreciated.

If you cant understand what im trying to say, or if im not explaining it well enough, please let me know and i will try to better it. But im still new to PHP and i really dont understand it to much yet, so i apologize.