PHP/mysql and Flash Coders Needed

Hey all

I am here to get some volenteer coders together for our new internet multiplayer based flash game called “SGC UNIVERSE” this project is a new step for my team as we have never tried an online interactive Player vs Player program before.

The program is about a week away from beta testing once we get someone in to help.

We are looking for:

  • Flash coders
  • PHP/Mysql coders
  • Who Like Stargate
  • We can’t pay, but you will be credited for your work.

That would be willing to work. So come and register on our forums and help us out.
The forum adress is:

Also you can contact one of the Lead Dev. at [email protected] if your interested.

We are in a bit of a competition with a rival developer and we wanna beat him if possible.

All help is appreciated.


SGC UNIVERSE Lead Developer