I currently have a project that requires a good coder, that can work at a fast pace. I do have a usual coder but I already have him tied up on another job, and this one is running simultaneously. Here is a short brief of what I’m looking for:
**register page**
Email Approval
Email Approval
**user profile forms**
Regular Info Form
Extended Info Form
**front-end implimentation**
Users' list
User info
As the thread section says this is low-profile, look at $100-200 and/or design barter. 1-2wk design/development time. The design of the front-end will be done by me… only the backend coding will need to be implimented. I also provide full PS comps to make your life easier
PM me or reply here. Don’t try to e-mail me cause the address this forum sends to never gets checked :thumb2:
Examples would be greatly appriciated too :D, and I’m not looking for copy and paste scripts or blogs. More info by request.