I want to create a fully updatable dynamic news system whereby the following can be acheived:
Members allocated a password can “log in” on the main page and with the right username and password can access a hidden “news updates page”
Once in this page they can fill in a form, with date/article using html formatting, like in these forums ideally. So that someone who doesn’t understand html tags can add bold/underline/links/mailto: etc.
3.This form sends the date to a field called “date” in a table of a mysql database (i’m using phpmyadmin to edit databases/tables) and the article into a field called “article”. Also the username they used to access the hidden page with is taken and used as their name and sent to a “author” field.
- This news is collected using LoadVars and put into a flash textfield called “news” with the date above the article and the username displayed under the article, the articles should read in order of newest first. The text field can be scrolled.
I would like to be able to use asfunction from php file that is put into the “news” field in flash.
I know how to do some things on here, but i wondered if there is anyone who has any good ideas or experience of any of the points i want to achieve?
I need to finish the site that this involves for early June, and this is the only thing i am going to have trouble with.
Brainstorm anyone? Thanks