[PHP] parsing error - T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING / parse error, unexpected $

hello and thanks for the superior brain power!

portfolio site:

using SQL db, with fields: id(key), img_title, img_descrip, img_file, img_type, img_link

a portfolioimagedb entry (row) may or may not have multiple (extra) images; i want all (if there are any) returned. i’ve made my naming convention 1.jpg, 1-1.jpg, 1-2.jpg and so on, for extra images - the 1.jpg being the img_file value, matching it’s id, for callback purposes. this function is to check if there are extra files, based on this convention, and to increment until the condition is met, and output any extra images found:

<?php $i = 1;
$file = “images/”.$_GET[‘id’]."-".$i".jpg";
while (file_exists($file)) {
echo <img src= $file />;
$file = “images/”.$_GET[‘id’]."-".$i".jpg";

with this, i’m getting a “parse error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING” ; it has to be a syntax/escape character/tiny detail thing…my novice eyes are bleeding trying to understand where i’m off.

i also, in not knowing if that was logical or would have any chance of working, went another direction. i added 2 more columns in my database, img_alt1 and img_alt2. then, just like my view project link(in which an if is used to check the column img_link and return accordingly, i used an if statement to detect the presence of anything in these columns, and to take action if something’s found. this one seems messier to me, but also seems more likely to work, given my inexperience:

<?php if ($row_data[‘img_link’] != “” && $row_data[‘img_link’] != NULL) { ?>
<h3><a href="<?php echo $row_data[‘img_link’]; ?>">view project</a></h3><?php } ?>
<img src=“images/<?php echo $row_data[‘id’]; ?>.jpg”><br />
<?php if ($row_data[‘img_alt1’] != “” && $row_data[‘img_alt1’] != NULL) { ?>
<img src="<?php echo $row_data[‘img_alt1’]; ?>"><br />
<?php if ($row_data[‘img_alt2’] != “” && $row_data[‘img_alt2’] != NULL) { ?>
<img src="<?php echo $row_data[‘img_alt1’]; ?>">

but this returns a “parse error, unexpected $” , pointing to the last line of code, after the


everything was going smoothly in this, my inaugural database venture (as you can tell by the small number of entries, it’s exploratory), until this particular tweak. any help or immediate obvious syntax relief is warmly welcomed. thanks!