I’m making a promotion site for bands in Scotland, and I want to give every band that has submitted information to have a profile.
Here is a profile http://www.topofthejocks.co.uk/bands/myband.php?band=small%20enclosed%20area <the data changes depending on the bands name.
What I need is instead of having that long address which will be hard to remember… is to have it topofthejocks.co.uk/bandname
Can anyone tell me how I can make topofthejocks.co.uk/bandname point to http://www.topofthejocks.co.uk/bands/myband.php?band=bandname
I need it .co.uk/bandname so its easier for bands to remember their address, and I also dont want my root directory getting full of band profiles. All the data is pulled from a MYSQL database.
Any help would be greatly appreciated…
Thanks alot