PHP - remove unwanted characters

I made this script to remove all spaces and unwanted characters from a file name. I think there should be a way to simplify it. How can I simplify the script. IM SORRY, im new to PHP.

$imageFileClean = str_replace(" ", "", $_FILES['imageFile']['name']);
$imageFileClean = str_replace("!", "", $imageFileClean);
$imageFileClean = str_replace("#", "", $imageFileClean);
$imageFileClean = str_replace("$", "", $imageFileClean);
$imageFileClean = str_replace("%", "", $imageFileClean);
$imageFileClean = str_replace("^", "", $imageFileClean);
$imageFileClean = str_replace("&", "", $imageFileClean);
$imageFileClean = str_replace("*", "", $imageFileClean);
$imageFileClean = str_replace("(", "", $imageFileClean);
$imageFileClean = str_replace(")", "", $imageFileClean);
$imageFileClean = str_replace("+", "", $imageFileClean);
$imageFileClean = str_replace("=", "", $imageFileClean);