I’m trying to setup a system where I can just drop in the photos to a directory and use PHP to resize the pics for a thumbnail and a smaller view version…
In a nut shell I want to drop a file in a directory run the script and it will create a thumbnail 30x30px a “smaller” version 300x300px and leave the source, I would like to either rename the thumb and smaller version OR create them in a seperate directory.
I would drop the original in /galleryname/
and the script can rename them or put them in a /galleryname/thumbnail/
and the smaller version into /galleryname/small/
is this possible either way would be fine if I could rename the thumbs and small something like (original)1.jpg 1-thmb.jpg and 1-small.jpg
if you guys can point me in the right direction I would appreiciate it, I’m planning on using this with a flash gallery so I don’t need a display script… I’m just looking for some direction to get me started coding this if its even possible thanks in advance everyone…