Ok, I’m working on a site for a friend here: http://www.anticool.org/hifive/ and if you go to the “Merch” section (the little tape icon) add a couple Items, put in your first and last name, then hit submit. every once and awhile the page that loads will have the correct information for “name” but WAY more often than not you have to friggin hit F5 to refresh the page for the variables to appear. Without seeing the script does anyone have an friggin clue why this might be? I can post the script, but I’m not going to take the time to right now because it might just be an easy question. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hmm… I’ve found some form of fix…
header("Location: hfcheckout.php?stop=1");
This reloads the page once after it is loaded, and then since it sends itself “stop=1” it the header doesnt run again…
This seems like a really shady fix though, if anyone has any ideas as to what else might cause this, I’d still like to hear about it.
session variables don’t work on the first page that you set the session vars. They are only supposed to actually be called later in the site. The first page is for initiating the variables and the rest of the pages are for re-calling them…
eh? The variables aren’t set on the page that I’m trying to call them on, they are set on the page… “before”… it (there is a link on the page that creates them to a new page which calls them) I THINK it has something to do with the way the server is set up though, so my workaround will just have to do =/