Hi guys
I am a relative noob at PHP and MySQL. Usually when I have a problem I search the web and find the answer somehow. This time however I have had to resort to bothering more knowledgable people.
I wish to query a field or fields and have the output list all unique entries and count all duplicates (a little like the left menu bar on ebay)
The table
ID | Name1 | Name2
1 | Bob | Smith
2 | Bob | Jones
3 | Alan | Jones
4 | Bob | Johnson
The output being
Bob (3)
Jones (2)
These would then be links to list all items with that name (in this case). But I think I can work that bit out myself
I am not coding the backend to ebay here and there will probably be no more than 100 entries in the table so it doesnt matter if it is relatively inefficient.
The field entries are dynamic though so I will have no idea what is in them until they are filled so I cant directly query a known entry.
Anyone got any good solutions?