PHP to FLash with an FOR() loop


I’m having an problem with php to flash, i think it’s really an newbie question but i just can’t find an solution for this problem.
this works:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
	$plaatje[] =  $row["plaatje"];
		print ("&plaatje0=$plaatje[0]&plaatje1=$plaatje[1]&plaatje2=$plaatje[2]&")

but in the future i’m getting like 300 variables out of mysql (&plaatje300=$plaatje[300]&), so i want to use an for loop:

for($i=0; $i < 8; $i++) { 
	 $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
	 $rString .= "&plaatje".$i."=".$row["plaatje"];

	 $rString .= "&";
print $rString;

This works in the browser, only flash gets no variables. So i thought i had to solve it like this:

for($i=0; $i < 8; $i++) { 
	 $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
	 print( "&plaatje".$i."=".$row["plaatje"]);


This doesn’t work either and i think it’s because there’s no ‘&’ mark to close the last variable ( like &plaatje2=$plaatje[2]&), but that’s just a guess…:puzzle:

Does anyone has an idear?
thnx in advance!!