PHP To Flash

Hey all,
i have some question about the PHP that working with flash,
lets say i want to send data from Flash to php , it’s easy doing it everyday, sending from php to flash easy to…i dont need any help there…but i stuck here

if i’m using in my PHP code page this code

$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` ORDER BY `id`");
$num = mysql_num_rows($q);
if ($num > 0)
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($q))
echo "nickname=".$row['nickname']."&age=".$row['age'];

Okay, let’s say i have this code page and i want to take the Data that was shown by “echo” command,
that means i want all the nicks, and ages of all users that registered in mysql.
how i taking all this information and put it into Flash movie.

hope anyone can help, thank s alot