[font=Tahoma]Hey guys, i hope you can help, i didnt get any help from another flash forum, but hey im shore you guys are the masters ok here goes:[/font]
[font=Tahoma]i have a variable in a php file (vars.php) the variable is $site_enabled = “YES”; basically i have a button in my intro that goes to a diffrent directory (i.e /forums) if i am correct i want to use loadVars function in actionscript, On the press,release control i want to have something on the lines of:[/font]
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[font=Tahoma]If $site_enabled = YES geturl /forums else do nothing.[/font]
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[font=Tahoma]if i denfine $site_enabled = “NO”;[/font]
[font=Tahoma] [/font]
[font=Tahoma]then the button will do nothing and and you will not be directed to the forums, i wanted this option so that if the forums were under construction ot something like that i can quickly disable the intro and stop users getting in. i would highly be grateful if i could get this to work…[/font]
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[font=Tahoma]Many thanks beforehand[/font]