here’s the deal… this has frustrated the hell out of me for two days and i’ve searched the forums, google, etc, can’t figure it out… so help, please!!
i have a very simple two frame flash file, frame one:
text input box, Var: memUN
and a login button, with the following code:
on (release) {
loadVariablesNum (“path to my flie/login.php?memUN=”+memUN, “0”);
and frame two:
dynamic text box, Var: memID
dynamic text box, Var: Status
i have a database with a table, “users”, structured as follows:
memID memUN memPW memEMAIL memAGE
1 admin password email age
then i have the login.php:
mysql_connect(‘mySQL’, ‘username’, ‘password’);
$query = “SELECT memID FROM users WHERE memUN = ‘$memUN’”;
$result = mysql_query($query);
$numR = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($numR == 1) {
print “Status=logged in&memID=$memID”;
else {
print “Status=Failure - Username Not Found”;
what happens when i enter “admin” in memUN and click the button is the Status box changes to “logged in”, but the memID does not change to “1”. that’s all i want. after i can figure out that, everything will come easily, it’s just this one little part that’s stumping me… i put the line that’s the trouble (i think) in bold italics, can somebody please show me how to load the variable memID into flash???
thanks in advance