So… I’ve scoured the internet and did a search on these forums… and perhaps I’m searching with the wrong terms… but here’s what I’m tryin to do. I have a PHP document that pull a list of images and info from specified XML docs. Now I’m trying to create a client-side GUI (just a basic form) that will allow someone add another node to an the XML document it’s pulling from.
Oh and let it first be known that I don’t have the option to use a SQL Database… or any other type of Database… so XML is the best alternative.
:lol: well if one of you wants to jump on to MSN and hook a brotha up that’d be great… I tried to add you defective but you never accepted my invitation…
you can add me if you want though… it’s not the MSN in my profile though it’s (mydomainname is my domain name not “mydomainname”)
[looks at defective’s footer, looks at simp’s posts, laughs heartily]. anyway, i’ll take a look at this stuff when i get home if you guys don’t already have it figured out.