i dont know if any one knows about PHP or not but i wanna learn a bit but i cant find any guides or anything!
if anyone knows a site or anything please tell me!:bounce:
hi shinwa welcome to the forum!
you can browse to the server-side/scripting in this forum
or you can visit…
just try to some search here in this forum i swear i saw someone posting here cool links and that includes your php and plus! … i think i was one of the moderators here who post it… i just cant remember… im getting old! lol
anyhu shinwa, i’ve found it!
it’s posted by jubba…
here: http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13932&highlight=links
keep up the great exploit! :thumb:
holy iv been on this form for 4 hours and i
v had most of my problems solved thx everyone!
If you have any specific questions that you like to ask let me know. I may be able to help.
Hi Jubba!
I have a specific question that no one has so far been able to answer. May I ask you?
of course. Just create another thread and I’ll help as much as possible.
Thanks Jubba! I have posted a thread titled “For Jubba!” in the MX forum. Thanks again!