Ok, fat chance anyone knows, but I thought I might ask…
I’ve installed a skin for PHPBB, and for some reason it’s not showing the ADMIN panel. and when i go to forums/admin it gives me a login prompt, and i login, but it just shows the page again.
I use phpBB, but I have never applied a skin, I just customize the CSS code that is in the files. It may be a cache problem. That could be why it isn’t working. Perhaps it is installed to the wrong folder? Make sure that the new skin is uploaded to the TEMPLATE (or something to that effect) folder.
Phil: I don’t think Pom would know. Its more of a technical service question rather than a PHP question. And I believe that H88 is our resident PHP master…
Yeah that happened to me yesterday.
Before i add anything to my board i Backup database if you did that then you can do this.,
Take out all your databases and add the phpBB all over again when done go to AdminPanel.and then hit the restore database.
It will restore your hole dataBase and will be able to login again.
But then you’ll have to install style again.
thanks for your responses,
but does anyone have the direct link to the admin panel. (folders and such, i know it wont be the same) so i can see if i can login.
i have no problem logging in to the forums and posting. but i just wanna change the cookies settings