Last night I installed the EasyPHP web server onto my computer and then I tried to install phpbb2 (php bulletin board - to a folder in the root directory (www). Extracting the phpbb2 files into the folder was no problem. But, when I went to install and set up phpbb2 (from my browser), all I would get is database errors. No matter what database I selected, ie. MySQL 3.x, 4.x, ODBC, etc., I got an error message stating “unable to configure php for the selected databases”. Anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong?
I should also mention that I tried to set up a simple news script, Elite News, and that also did not work.
Should I just try another web server package or what? I don’t have a web hosting provider yet, so I really want to work on my scripting locally.
I did this and here’s the error that I got: ERROR 2003: Can’t connect to MySQL on ‘localhost’ (10061)
I really don’t know what this means. I must admit I’m a complete newbie to setting up web servers.
Here’s my goal: to set up a local web server to test out scripts such as Elite News and PHP Bulletin Board. I’m designing a web site for my army unit here in Baghdad and the computer on which I am working is never connected to the internet. I’m using the internet on a desktop in my unit’s computer center. So I want to set up the website locally on my laptop and test it and make sure it works, etc. Then, I’ll upload it to an actual web hosting provider.
So can you or anyone give me a step by step tutorial on how to go about this? Or point me to a good online tutorial? I’ve tried setting up 3 different web server packages (EasyPHP, WAMP, Apache2Triad) and I can’t get phpbb to work in any of them.
Thanks very much man, but right before I read your reply I found ApacheFriends ( and got phpBB to work. However, I also realized it wasn’t the web server package that was the problem; Apachefriends’ very user-friendly setup made me realize that I actually had to create a mysql database for phpbb to point to. duh But, I now have a new problem which I will start another thread for
Thanks for all your help guys! I consider this thread conclusive