Physics and deformable ground

I’ve recently come back to as3 from Java as I wanted to freshen up my memory on the language.

I have a small game idea in mind that I wanted to try to build. Nothing new but it’ll be more fun to re-learn AS with a game then to just read guides.

Anyways, i want to make a side scrolling tank game ( of which there are so many ) but I want to incorporate physics and deformable ground.
Been messing around a bit with the Fisix engine and that is going well… adding shapes / forces etc…

Im right now however kind of stuck on the theory of making destructible ground.

What I had in mind was to genereate 2D array of 0 and 1s of the same size as my world (ie one position per pixel of the map)… and 1’s being equal to there being ground in that position

One idea I have is to draw the fisix physics engine lines along the surface of the world.

This could be done so that evey straight segment of the world surface was one line. Basically every time the ground changes angles i start a new line untill the slope changes again.

Then once the terrrain is deformed i try to remove the old lines in that position and redraw them to the new deformed ground.

This is where it gets really tricky. For evey explosion is really a circle of deformation. To draw one line per pixel of the circumference of the circle explosion would probably not be very efficient at all… (view the attached image, the black lines are the physics lines).

after the player has fired a few shots there will litterally be thousands of 1 pixel lines making up the map. I havent tried doing this yet as i can guess it will be a laggy s.o.b.

So im looking to you guys to give me a better idea of how to accomplish this.

Hope my explanations made sence.
Thanks for the help in advance :wink: