Physics in making a trajectory game

Hello everbody :smiley:

I know these forums are based mor for multimedia programming, but I was wondering if somone could help me a little…

I am taking a class on computer science and we are learning QBasic (I dont know why our teacher chose QBasic…) and I am working on my final, which is a trajectory game. The kind of game where you have to shoot over a hill and hit the other cannon trying to shoot you. I made it work where you can move the gun with the keyboard, but i need a little help with the physics of the projectile, and making it look realistic. The user can move the barrel to the hight they want it, then they are to enter the ammount of powder to put into the gun (1-10) 10 of course will launch it the farthest. Will it work maybe if I multiply the velocity of the shell by the ammount of powder, making it fly further and higher, but I am wondering how to make it come back down in a realistic way…

If i was a bit confusing, i can explain further…and if I poseted in the wrong place, I appoligize.

(I saw on somone’s banner that they made a game just like this.)