Picture quality

hey when i change the picture quality, it works in the html but in swf its fuxed… so what if im loading external swf’s how do i fix it

Instead of posting pointless posts and threads, could you explain the problem a little bit more?

sory botu that… here look http://tek-labs.com/about.swf

look at my picture there, i c hanged the quality of it in the fla, and it looks fine, and in the html it looks good too, but in the swf its crap, and im loading external swf’s, not htmls. so how would i up the quality

Check the quality of the FLA file for that swf. You might have the quality on the main file set to high, but that swf might be set to a lower quality.

When you load an external swf into the main swf, it will use the main swf’s quality setting. So if you were to view it without the main swf, it will go by its own quality setting.

I hope you understood that. :stuck_out_tongue:

ok when you say check the quality, what am i suposed to be doing… publish settings? then what

File > Publish Settings > click on the Flash tab > look at the slider for JPEG quality. I normally set mine to about 80 - 90 so that it will maintain a good quality and still keep the file size minimal.

yeah mine is at 100… and it still is blurry like you see at http://tek-labs.com/newsite i duno what to do maybe i could send you one of the fla’s

yeah see it comes up perfect in the html and fla, but not in the swf, too bad i dont load the html :frowning:


go into the library then right click on your picture. Select properties and there is some quality settings there as well.