Pictures quality is degrading in!

I have a picture of a table. in photoshop I cut out the background and made it a transparent background. When I import it into flash the quality of the picture is terrible. Is there a better way to do this?



import it in as a png…and check your bitmap compression settings in the publish menu. Maybe it is too low

[font=Arial][size=2]Bring up the Library (Ctrl+L), right click the image and select [color=DarkOrange]Properties[/color].

Make sure [color=DarkOrange]Allow Smoothing[/color] is unchecked**,** and
under [color=DarkOrange]Compression[/color] select [color=DarkOrange]Lossless(PNG/GIF)[/color].

Hope this first post helps.[/size][/font][font=Arial][size=2] [/size][/font]