Pixel font blur in Flash (any version)

Hey guys!

I’ve a question to ask you, so if anyone knows the answer to this one, please reply! This is kind of urgent…

In Flash, if i try to use pixel fonts they tend to become blurry…no matter what I do, i can’t seem to get past this problem. Can anyone tell me what to do to get rid of that nasty blurry effect? (see the attached swf)


Have you tried searching the forums?
Heres a list of threads for you to enjoy: http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/search.php?s=&action=showresults&searchid=247733&sortby=lastpost&sortorder=descending

And welcome to the forums :slight_smile:

ok seems the attachment’s not working, here’s a picture of the problem, although i’m sure most of you already know what the problem is about.

ok thanks i will look it up:)

Ya that used to happen to me al the time, try making it a movie clips 1st of all, and if you want to make it a button, then change it from a movie clip to a buttton using the properties box, it may work, it does sometimes for me.

thanks, i will try. i’ve tried everything, setting x and y to exact numbers,the font size multiple of 8 etc… but its still blurry…

I’ve seen so many websites using pixel fonts and none of them have that problem. how did they do it??:slight_smile:

Can you tell me what font are you having problems with?

it looks like a pixel font so, make sure anti-aliasing is turned on, turn it into a dynamic text field (whether or not you NEED it to be dynamic), and embed the font.

This happened to me just yesterday, and I was scared to post the question because I see it gets asked a lot. But thanks to the threads that were pointed out to me, I have it figured out.

  1. Just because it’s called a Flash Font, doesn’t mean it is. People make some nice pixel fonts which look flash-like but aren’t.

  2. Quick test to see if it IS flash-able: Make a dynamic text box, type something in it.

  3. Place the text box and any even position (x = 102.0, y = 222.0 ---- NOT x = 102.3, y = 221.8).

  4. Click “Character” at the lower right of the Properties palette. Embed “All Characters”.

  5. Test it. If it’s crisp and clean, it’s flash-worthy. if it’s gunky and blurry, it’s just a regular Pixel Font, which means you can’t use that one.

  6. Claudio gave me this link which had real Flash fonts:

That even numbered placement really got me though, because I had several MC that had text nested in them. They ALL have to be on even numbers. it took forever to re-align. And I had to click to embed them all, too.