Pixel fonts - links & problems

hi all…
these days i’d search for pixel fonts… i got it a lot at http://www.dafont.com, and a lot too from following the links (search yourself:)

BUT after I try all the font… not all the font is good as it name for flash…

did ever some one has a research on these font?? like

but I don’t understand what it says…:slight_smile:

and for all flashers in kirupa who search the pixel font, here’s the most complete link i ever saw…


(somebody give me one or two or three or more great pixel fonts please…)…:frowning:

Dan4885 and Eilsoe would be the men for you there… I know Dan has a great download or two on his site, and Eilsoe uses a lot of pixel fonts in his work. They should be able to give you some good links.

Otherwise, try looking on www.1001freefonts.com as they always have one or two good items.