Pixel-People 2

I’d love to see how that one turns out :wink:

And the bold text under my name comes from moderabilities :wink:

ok thx im out going to sleep ((9:30 PM))

Ill continue this “conversation” tommorrow lol

im still making pixel-thingees!!


First up in the pixelLost Suicide Series:

You got Suicidal tendencies lostinbeta ? :slight_smile:

Now what on Earth would ever make you think that? :sure:

I don’t know how the other projects were run but group projects can be fun.

If I may offer a suggestion as to how to go about running one.

Agree canvas size
600X600 ?
1000X600 ?

Agree on a program with Layers ie: Photo Shop (people name their layer with there user name)

Someone goes first and posts mine: Indicating that they have the file and they are adding their layer.
When they have done, they post a pic of the file and a link to it.

The next person posts mine: Grabs the file does their changes posts a pic and a link to the updated file.

This way everyone has access to the file and everyone can make changes.

People only post mine: when they are ready to make their contribution, this way people don’t have to wait around.
If someone takes to long, more than an hour or so, someone else can post mine: and that will become the new file.

People can work on their contributions offline, and when ready just grab the file and add their layer.
If someone is a toss and does something stupid, you can delete their layer. If they stuff the file, just grab the last good copy.

If someone doesn’t have Photoshop, they can make their bit in whatever, and ask someone to add their bit for them.

If it is done like a South Park image, pixel people, or whatever, people can add what ever little bits they like to the scene.

Using South Park as an example: If someone started one where they are standing in the street, people can add there own characters, buildings signs etc.

As it gets crowded, or as people have new ideas, you can start new tiles, say one with a mountain background, one with a Halloween background. As it grows, once a fortnight/month, one person can string them together and post a pic of it all together.

This way, unlike the Pixel people where one person had to maintain it, it would be an entity of its own. And wouldn’t rely on anyone maintaining it.

Just an idea, may have been said before, or it may be no good……

Now what on Earth would ever make you think that?

Ummmm dunno,

Could be the little pixel person you just posted.
Could be something I read in your blog.

I like Death myself, there is something kinda cool about it.
To bad you only get to die once.:smiley: