Pixel-People 2

Hey you forgot me in that awesome pixel picture :upset:


And how do you make a pixel guy cuz when i learn im gonna make a billion



and before you ask why,


Hehe, this question has been asked many many times, do a <–SEARCH–> and you will find your answer.

And btw, if you were wondering, pixel people are no more. Sintax didn’t have enough time to keep up with it, so the project is… well… dead.

aww come on :stuck_out_tongue:

lol you know what ive never seen that little search button

hey ill continue his project for him if its dead

I think it’s best if the project stays closed out. It was great while it lasted.

aww… o well

but do you know how to make pixel people??

Check out the original pixel people thread, at least 12 posts containing information on this were created in that thread alone.

Basic jist: Open a graphics program, zoom in, take a 1px pencil tool, start clicking… dot by dot by dot.

ur kidding O.O

A pixel is 1 dot on a computer monitor… thus pixel art is creating art pixel by pixel (although i’ve been caught using the marquee and fill tool for large areas)

haha! my first pixel creation!

heh, pretty good for a first try :slight_smile:

Sounds boring, like making Icons… :slight_smile:

omg that was so easy i did that in like 5 minutes!!

lol now i am going to make BILLIONS i sware im serious

i am now refered as Pixel-Zilla :bandit:

@The Vulcan: I used to think the same thing, until I got into pixel art.

It’s quite addictive… and occasionally a stress reliever (depending on the person).

Hey Thats it!


i can make like all 10,000 !!

lol but first i gotta find there names and what they look like o.O

That just gave me an idea for my next pixel piece of the pixelLost collection…

pixelLost Suicide!

wha? what are u making now (-:

hey if u anyone really likes making Pixels we can both keep making them and add them together into one HUGE image!!


Been done, didn’t get very far.

That was actually Eilsoes project… excellent idea… it was called KirupaVille, but it never flew. :frowning:

lol cool!

HEY!! I Can make Kirupa a POKEMON!!


ALRIGHT! My Unibrow has evolved into a Kirupa!

::shoots self::

lol that sux

seriously like kirupa can be a “asian pokemon” with like flash mx superpowers!!

lol… :pleased:

hey how did u get that bold colored text under ur name?