Pixel pharmacy

I came accross this site a few months ago… i thought you guys might like it :beam:

(any ideas how it’s done :q:**)

http://www.pixelpharmacy.com :slight_smile:

yeah someone showed me this last year and asked me the same thing :wink:

its moslty handled through the timeline with tweened actions cooresponding to prerecorded video.

he looks soooooo weird with a haircut lol

lol :beam:

funny how it goes gradually, i didn’t even notice the hair was changing :stuck_out_tongue:

niether did i~! that site is soo cool

haha, i went back and forth through the movie to reassure myself that he had indeed changed. that was great how he did that…how did he do that?

I would say its moslty handled through the timeline with tweened actions cooresponding to prerecorded video. :stuck_out_tongue:

well the head transition is handled through the video and not Flash :wink: Im pretty sure, from what I can tell is that hes got his original har version there with a layer of his hairless head re-inacting the dialog and head motions (which is french - the english is dubbed ;)) Then its just synced with the old head covering it up … well not at first. The new head is gradually blended in - you can see where the two clips meet especially around the chin where the shadow of the hairy head is greater than the hairless and theres some confliction there.

If you look really excat, you can see that there are some weird colored pixels, where normally hair was… :slight_smile:
But neat…

what a great portfolio - I mean to have macromedia’s site of the day should guarentee you a job :slight_smile: hahaha

Great work… wow. Very original! I loved how he set the buttons up with his hands…

his hair is a movie appart… you can notice by the diiferent shadow placement on his neck.