PixieLand.Org's Owner on Conan O'Brien

Yeah, it is… let me find the correct URL

im confused. why was he on conan?

I have no idea why. They just talked to him/made fun of him. It was pretty funny.


not to be mean, but there is no way she is straight… but that’s halarious :lol:

lol, I was watching that last night.

to each there own, as they say


i smell fruit cake…that’s just weird…

When he was on Conan last night he was talking about how the company he works for now has him working from home… I wonder why?

that’s a him?

I thought it was an it.

lol, I was sure it was a she

Or a hermphordite.

A he/she in my opinion.

Might as well dress up like a playboy bunny and wiggle his a** :sigh:.

evolution might look cruel to some of us, but I think it’s quite good that he will probably never find a girl to make children with :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m still amazed it’s a he :huh:

Wow man nothin gets by you, huh? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes we can all hope that ‘his’ genes will remain his alone and stop there. However, I have seen some very interesting specimens that have somehow managed procreate and infest the world with multiple copies of their infinitely shallow gene pool. Just look at my town, Scrub-City, USA! Woohoo! Thanks for leavin IBM… bunch of butt-heads.

Whahaha Some people are just crazy… And the internet is finally bringing them out for all to see.

you cant thing hes 100% stupid tho ;)… he uses that site and from the money he gets from that he gives to charity… he does charity i guessed (it says on his site… and it says from the site and his charity stuff he raised over a 1000 for make a wish…) so hes not 100%… odd :wink:

but what money does he get from the site?

He doesn’t get any money, it’s a .org.