ok i have tried to make AI and failed the code is not even worth posting here >.< but do you think you can help me with simple AI, the only thing i need help with is have a bunch of enemys on a map and make every enemy thats in the screen to follow me thats all… look in the fla its a halo game (im not following any tutorials…) the physics its not the best but its my own except for the hittest i took it from the platfrom tut on this site
but if cannot get any AI thats like i want it i make it like kirby/mario and have the enemys go back and forwardd all the time xD but if thats the case i need help making the enemys attack (it would be easier if all enemys had the name Enemy (more enemys coming)). the first enemy is just a black box then im gonna put in some halo enemys but i need some basic code first…
i hope you understand what i want my english isnt the best but Thanks for all the help Kirupa rules :bu:
when making the code just make a black box and make it a mc with instance of enemy (uhm i think you already know that but its better if i say it :P)