i made a slider that can slide the main timeline while running the swf.
the first function slides scales the bar and moves the handle along the path:
sliderF = function () {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
currentFrame = _currentframe;
slider._xscale = Math.floor((_currentframe*100)/totalFrames);
handle._x = slider._width+slider._x;
the next function drags the handle and slides the timeline:
handle.onPress = function() {
delete onEnterFrame;
handle.startDrag(true, 240, 10, 64, 10);
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
r = ((handle._x-67)*100)/sliderFull._width;
currentFr = Math.floor(totalFrames*r/100);
to stop the drag i am using this:
handle.onRelease = handle.onReleaseOutside=stopDrag;
the problem is that i cant make it play again after i draged the handle…
simple play() doesnt work
any Ideas?