Okay so i spent alot of time and created an animation all in code, something like 200 lines long- so i wont post it on here unless one request. Now i want to run this animation in reverse…and I don’t exactly know how to do this. Well i have some clue but have no idea of how to execute:
Choice 1-I i guess there is always the grunt work and copy paste and just plug in the opposite of everything i did…but yea that would take some time…
Choice 2- I guess i can attempt to create a class to house this animation and then some how play in reverse?? - if so how?
Choice 3**- have some kind of wrestle with frames and have it run as a frame animation- then i can use prevFrame and nextFrame?
Anyone care to shed some light on my dilemma- because i don’t even know if this is possible and/or my solutions are even valid :ex: