Please check out my Flash Lab :D


here you go:

The earlier versions of my website were more of a portfolio, but I never really needed it as such, so it became a personal playground and lab. The main idea behind it is that I really needed a place to do different stuff than what I had to do at work, a place where I could try and test new things and where I could be truly unaccountable, independent and free (-:

I plan to have 64 of those little flash snippets on that page one day, but seeing how long it takes to make just one, I guess I will … never make it ;( I’m still not toooo happy with the menu, because it feels a little bit hard to use and it will get worse the more it contains … Maybe someone here has an idea?

But anyway: please take your time and look around for a bit. I’d truly appreciate any comment, because this is actually the first time I’ve really shown the page to people who understand much of what I’ve done there… :block:

Thanks a lot!

P.S.: There are at least two known bugs: You can’t open the page in more than one window at a time (…) and there are should be quite a few errors popping up if you use a debugging-version of the flash-player :frowning: I’m working on both, but it’s hard XD