im trying to do a drag and drop movie but i cant get it to go to the next frame, check out the fla and let me know what im doing wrong oh btw im using simple as mode
im trying to do a drag and drop movie but i cant get it to go to the next frame, check out the fla and let me know what im doing wrong oh btw im using simple as mode
try this…
ya i saw this on the other post but your using flash 5 and tell target has been deprecated in flash mx so i really want to know how to do it in mx because i used to do it in flash 5 but so much script has changed in mx its confusing to explain lol, thanks though
open the file in Flash MX and in your properties panel just set it to Flash Player 6 that will change the script to Flash MX.
*Originally posted by dysan_max *
**open the file in Flash MX and in your properties panel just set it to Flash Player 6 that will change the script to Flash MX. **
Well I don’t think it will remove tellTarget :-\
did you guys download the fla and check it out im following the tut on thats on the tutes section i even copied and pasted the code from the tute n renamed my instances and it still did not work can anyone please check out my fla and let me know whats wrong? thanks
3 things:
_droptarget was put directly on the end of _root.mc_drag with not dot ie _root.mc_drag_droptarget when it needs to be _root.mc_drag**.**_droptarget
_droptarget gives a string (in slash syntax) of the movieclip the mouse is over when the sropDrag is called. Because its a string, its not an actual movieclip reference and will never equal what your checking for which is a real movieclip, _root.mc_target. There are two ways of fixing that. They are
if (_root.mc_drag._droptarget ==_root.mc_target._target) {
if (eval(_root.mc_drag._droptarget) ==_root.mc_target) {
the gotoAndPlay after that, because being called from the movieclip and because it has no prefix will reference that movieclip, i.e. _root.mc_drag. I assume you mean to tell _root to gotoAndPlay, i.e.
3.5) since you are only going just to frame 2 from that action, you can use gotoAndStop instead of gotoAndPlay and you wont then even have to worry abuot a stop() command in frame 2
3.75) the naming convention for MX is not “mc_name” but rather “name_mc” designating that as a movieclip. Other suffixes include:
_array - Array
_str - String
_btn - Button
_txt - TextField
_fmt - TextFormat
_date - Date
_sound - Sound
_xml - XML
_xmlsocket - XMLSocket
_color - Color
_camera - Camera
_mic - Microphone
_stream - NetStream
_connection - NetConnection
_so - SharedObject
_video- Video
In using these (at least in expert mode) the correct code hints for each object will appear for each instance where viable.
thanks sen i knew you could shed some light on this lol keep up the good work
heres a working fla
sen dawg you the man thanks so much problem was it wasnt closing one of the scripts i was putting in and the fact that i cannot choose _root.gotoandstop(2) in normal mode or am i wrong? anyways thanks pal
in normal mode you would use
with is in Actions->Variables
try this tutorial…
Sen thanks this helped solve my next problem wich was when i would release it wouldnt matter where i would let go of the button it would go to the frame specified with this code you just gave me it drags and i can release the mouse but unless its on top of the target area it wont go to the next frame thanks guys for all your help
P.S. this is what my code looks like now
on (press) {
startDrag("", true);
on (release) {
if (_root.mc_top1._droptarget ==_root.mc_menu._target) {
with (_root) {
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