I’m new to these forums and quite new to AS3, I understand it when someone explains it to me but coding from scratch I can’t do. But I’m desperate :(.
What I would like to do is a simple game, you control a character around the screen, and using computespectrum I would like objects to sprout up from the floor to the beats or amplitude of the music. I then want to be able to control the character to either collect the objects (they dissappear as you hit one) or be hurt by them, which ever creates a more entertaining game.
My first thought was to create a particle system that fires off to computespectrum, I’ve dabbled with them both seprately but I simply don’t know how to marry the two, the particle system for instance uses an array and push, and i simply type 20 in and there are always 20 particles (a particle is a movie clip called ball) on the stage, would it be possible to substitute this number for computespectrum? My second problem with this is, I do not know how I will use hitest for the collecting part of my game.
My second thought is to simply have a movie clip that gets added to the stage using computespectrum similar to the particle method but simpler.
between this amplitutde add two mc’s…between this amplitude add 4 mc’s etc, So the higher the amplitude the more mc’s are added.
To give an idea of the type of game I’m looking to make this is a far more complicated version of what I want to acheive.
Any help would really be appreciated, if at all possible please PM me and I welcome all replies.