Please help, elemts wont add to arrays

Hey guys. well i made a topic about this a week or so ago but no reponce with that one so i thought id try again and this time make my self more clear as to what im wanting my code to do.

Ok well i created an array as show below on frame one in the main timeline.

var dialedsymbols:Array = new Array();

and i have a movie clip called jj_mc with the following on clip event code.

onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if ( Key.getAscii() == 47 && this._alpha == 100 && _global.Isjj == 0 ){

and amoung that i have this code below which i have been trying to intergrate it into the onclipevent code so when they press the key on the keyboard it adds jj_mc to the dialedsymbols array only once.
below is the code ive tried arranging different ways with the onclip event


but nothing i try works.

here are some examples ive tried.

onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if ( Key.getAscii() == 47 && this._alpha == 100 && _global.Isjj == 0 ){
this.gotoAndPlay("_engaging") && _root.dialedsymbols.push(“jj_mc”)

theres also this one ive tried.

onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if ( Key.getAscii() == 47 && this._alpha == 100 && _global.Isjj == 0 ){

and also to see if that worked i tried adding a trace action in like this

onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if ( Key.getAscii() == 47 && this._alpha == 100 && _global.Isjj == 0 ){
trace (dialedsymbols)

but the trace in the code does work but in the output box it says undefined.

so does ne one know how i can get this to work.
now remember i only want it to add the element jj_mc once to the dialedsymbols array when the user press the key assigned to it in the on clip event.

thanks in advanced hope someone outthere can help.