Please help, having a real problem with Flash and PHP

Hi all,
First I would like to say thanks to the guys at Kirupa for doing such a great job, I’ve found the tutorials really helpful. That aside, Im having real trouble integrating Flash with PHP.

I have a MySql Database set up, with values inserted, I have my php script which I am confident is not the source of the problem but I will post my source code just to be double sure.

##Flash Source Code##
//create loadvar object called l
l = new LoadVars();
//tell new loadvar object to load php file
l.load (“flashphp.php”);
//once variables have been loaded do this stuff
l.onLoad = function() {
//create local variable called i
var i;
//i is zero, whilst i is less than the amount of data in the database (passed via php) increment i)
for (i=0; i<this.n; i++) {
//Text box is called venues. Add to that text box the data from the variables the php has passed through
venues.htmlText += this[“venue”+i];
venues.htmlText += this[“location”+i];
venues.htmlText += this[“phone”+i];
venues.htmlText += this[“web”+i];

// I added the comments just to let you all know what I ‘think’ it might be doing, im quite likely to be wrong hehe

##PHP Source Code##


mysql_pconnect (localhost,$username,$password);
mysql_select_db ($database);

$qResult = mysql_query (“SELECT * FROM sites ORDER BY id ASC”);
$nRows = mysql_num_rows($qResult);
$rString ="&n=".$nRows."&";
for ($i=0; $i< $nRows; $i++){

$row = mysql_fetch_array($qResult);
$rString .=“id”.$i."=".$row[‘id’]."&".“venue”.$i."=".$row[‘venue’]."&".

echo $rString."&";


Seriously guys, any help or suggestions would be SO gratefully received, thank you for your time!
