Please help loading movie :(

this swf works great when it standalone but when i load it (loadMovie), it don’t want to slide…:frowning: why??

i hope somebody can bright my day… thanks…

the fla is too big, heres the workin swf…

this is the action()

// this is the function
MovieClip.prototype.slideXX = function(endPosx, speed) {
	this.onEnterFrame = function() {
		if (this._x<=endPosx) {
			currentPosx = this._x;
			diffPosx = endPosx-currentPosx;
			movex = diffPosx/speed;
			this._x = this._x+movex;
			if (this._x>=endPosx) {
				this._x = endPosx;
				this.onEnterFrame = null;
		if (this._x>=endPosx) {
			currentPosx = this._x;
			diffPosx = endPosx-currentPosx;
			movex = diffPosx/speed;
			this._x = this._x+movex;
			if (this._x<=endPosx) {
				this._x = endPosx;
				this.onEnterFrame = null;
// this is the action
var startX = subMenus._x;
var jarak = subMenus._width-mask._width;
var const = jarak/mask._width;
this.onMouseMove = function() {
	var endPos = (_xmouse-startX)*(const);
	if (mask.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, false)) {
		subMenus.slideXX(-endPos+startX, 5);