PLEASE HELP ME! Flash Locking Up

I’ve made plenty of flash games before and I’ve never seen this problem happen.
I’m working on a game with similar workings to GTA1, as in your in a car and u drive around birds eye view.

The issue I’m having is that I have went to the effort of making flash not ‘lag’/slow down so the frame rate stays pretty good. However for some reason after holding down a button or 2 (eg. up to drive, left to turn, ect) flash locks up. The program runs normal, framerate is normal, but any interaction is locked up. When this happens my car just keeps driving.

I put up a display to show what buttons are being pressed and sure enough flash is stuck thinking im pressing keys when im not. I also can’t close flash until it returns to normal.

Obviously this is bad and I was hoping someone would know why flash is doing this.
Can someone please help me.

This is probably of no use at all, but when I started dealing with user keyboard input I was getting some strange results because Keyboard shortcuts were enabled in the flash player which overrided the input I wanted for my game, so make sure thats disabled. Other than that the only thing I can think of that I’d do next is that I’d put in break points everywhere to see where it starts to go wrong…

Why not post the script so people can help you fix it?

The code in all would be pages long, not to mention some methods i would rather not share.
Its not that theres an error in the code, flash seriously just locks up, and no inputs (eg press key, release key, minimizing, closing,(the top right 3 buttons), ect) will work.
They do eventually work, and then its like everything i did catches up.
Just to remind, its is not a loop in the code or anything like that, it is seriously flash just locking up.

do you have an infinite loop anywhere? that could end up locking up the game. double check you loops coding.

Are you storing user input in a buffer or are you acting on it as soon as a key is pressed?
If so there could be a problem with that, otherwise you may be trying to run too much code per frame and it takes a while for flash player to catch up.