Please help me project gone wrong

i need some help i was trying to make the ball follow the mouse click but it went wrong, please open the attachment and look at the acion script tell me what i did wrong please.:( :( :( :( :*(

post your code. I can’t download anything.

As a rule, you should post the relavent code to your project instead of attaching the file. Some people are weary of dling files from message boards, others are behind firewalls that don’t allow the download of files. Just post your code and we can debug it that way.

onClipEvent (load) {
	x = 0;
	y = 0;
	speed = 5;
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
	endX = _root._xmouse;
	endY = _root._ymouse;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
	_x += (endX-_x)/speed;
	_y += (endY-_x)/speed;

this is the code i used

[edit]Jubba: I edited it to see the code properly[/edit]

a tutorial by LostInBeta

see this part of the code

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x += (endX-_x)/speed;
_y += (endY-_x)/speed;

on the thrid line where it says end y-_x it should be end Y-_y not x thanks for ur help though