Please help me to improve this gallery

Hi all,

I made some small changes in kirupa’s gallery with thumbnails and here how its looking now:

still… its not working 100%…

when i rollover the thumbnails, the image scrolls too… i cant make it stop…

Any help would be appreciated. :slight_smile:

I’ll attach the files here.

thank u!

change the code on your MovieClip called picture to:

onClipEvent (load) {
	destX = _x;
	destY = _y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
	picW = this._width;
	picH = this._height;
	if (picW>460 && this.allowMoving == true)
		posH = picW-460;
		posV = picH-310;
		destX = -_parent._xmouse*posH/460;
		destY = -_parent._ymouse*posV/310;
		if (destX>0)
			destX = 0;
		if (destX<-posH)
			destX = -posH;
		if (destY>0)
			destY = 0;
		if (destY<-posV)
			destY = -posV;
		_x = _x+(destX-_x)*0.100000;
		_y = _y+(destY-_y)*0.100000;
	if (_parent._xmouse>400)
		_root.thumbnail_mc._visible = true;
		_root.rect._visible = true;
		this.allowMoving = false;
	} else
		_root.thumbnail_mc._visible = false;
		_root.rect._visible = false;
		this.allowMoving = true;

it’s not pretty, but it’s the easiest way :slight_smile: